Dayton, Maryland Weather

27th Year of Service to the Local Community
Lat 39.243°N, Long 76.998°W, Elev 550ft (168m)

Current Weather Details

Last Updated: 12/4/24 at 1:15pm

Barometer Almanac
Current: 30.09in and Falling
High: 30.37in at 12:03am
Low: 30.09in at 1:04pm
Rates: Current: -0.05in/hr
Max Increasing:   0.00in/hr at 2:45am
Max Decreasing: -0.06in/hr at 12:58pm
Moonrise: 10:30am
Moonset:  7:44pm
Moon Phase: 10%

Sunrise: 7:12am
Sunset:  4:45pm
Outdoor Temperature Indoor Temperature
Current: 36°F
High: 38°F at 12:45pm
Low: 21°F at 6:23amm
Current: 0°F
Max Increasing:    4°F/hr at 10:12am
Max Decreasing:  -2°F/hr at 12:26am

Current: 68°F
High: 68°F at 10:42am
Low: 65°F at 6:44am
Current: -0°F/hr
Max Increasing:    2°F/hr at 8:48am
Max Decreasing:  -0°F/hr at 1:44am

Outdoor Humidity Indoor Humidity
Current: 43.0%
High: 85.0% at 6:25am
Low: 43.0% at 12:49pm
Current: -4.4%/hr
Max Increasing:    6.0%/hr at 3:32am
Max Decreasing:  -11.8%/hr at 10:55am
Current: 37.0%
High: 38.0% at 4:11am
Low: 36.0% at 12:43pm
Current: -0.0%/hr
Max Increasing:    1.0%/hr at 4:11am
Max Decreasing:  -1.1%/hr at 12:43pm
Solar Radiation Evapotranspiration
Current: 121.0W/m2
High:   357.0W/m2 at 12:11pm
Month: 450.0 W/m2 on 12/1/24
Current: -33.6W-hr/m2
Max Increasing:    210.3W-hr/m2 at 12:11pm
Max Decreasing: -78.2W-hr/m2 at 1:07pm
Cumulative Today: 0.01in
Month: 0.03in on 12/3/24
Wind Wind Chill
Current: 10.0 from SSW
High: 15.0mph at 10:56am
Current: 29°F
Low:     21°F at 6:23am
Month:  15°F  on 12/1/24
Heat Index Dew Point
Current: 37°F
High:    38°F at 12:45pm
Month: 41 °F  on 12/1/24
Current: 16°F
    21°F at 9:19am

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